About Annuities… It's time to learn more about why people buy them
It's no secret people are living longer these days, and you may spend almost as much time in retirement as you’ll spend working. No matter what your profession, ask yourself, “how will you maintain your standard of living over 20 or even 30 years?
IAIt is an important question; several factors will influence your ability to do so. First, The VANISHING PENSION…many companies have replaced pensions with employee-directed retirement plans like 401(k)s that provide no guarantee you’ll have enough money when you retire.
INFLATION NEVER SLEEPS…the constant nibbling of inflation can take a big bite out of your assets. An annual rate of 3.3% can cut your purchasing power in half in 21 years. These factors combine to create a gap between a comfortable retirement and the ability to simply maintain a standard of living. How can you bridge this gap without more risk?
The SOCIAL SECURITY QUESTION MARK…now that the postwar baby boom generation has begun drawing benefits, many experts believe these benefits may need to be reduced or altered if social security is to survive.
The QUALITY OF YOUR FUTURE IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY…the first step is to understand that you will be responsible for the quality of your retirement. Saving, investing wisely, reducing taxes, fighting inflation, longevity and managing income will play a larger role in your success. These just happen to be the main reasons why people buy an annuity.